Friday, March 12, 2010

An Accomplishment

One year ago, on this very day, I took a challenge. A challenge seen by others as hard and tough.
A few people believed that I was not capable of the challenge I soon planned to put myself into.
I had people tell me, "I give you a week."
People that had no faith in me were those who I would prove wrong first; prove to them that if I set my mind to it, I would accomplish it.

And that is what I exactly did.

The challenge I set myself to was: one year without meat.
Yes, the Vegetarian Challenge.
On March 13, 2009, the challenge begun.
At first i thought it would be hard, but i knew that i would be able to do it.
My conversion to vegetarianism had to mean changes.
I was an octo-lavo vegetarian. Meaning, i ate dairy products, but not meat, poultry, nor seafood.

Since I had support from my mother, she began to cook for me separate food. She would begin to buy me soy meat, lettuce, vegetables, tofu, etc. She was really supportive all the time. In the first three months, i had only craved for meat about 3 times, since i had alternatives.

When i would go to restaurants or anywhere, i had to find food where i had a vegetarian choice.
At school, since almost everything has some type of meat, i would take my own lunch.
At restaurants, i would ask them to not put meat in some of my favorite meals. For example, when i will go eat breakfast at IHOP, though there is food options that do not contain vegetable, i will always choose a pancake platter with extra potatoes, instead of the bacon or sausages.

When i went to my trip to Channel Islands and Washington, i also had to find alternatives. Luckily both of the organizations that held this programs had vegetarian options. It was until about 2 months ago, when i began to crave meat again.

Some people would ask me why i took this challenge. It was either because i believed it was unfair for animals or because is bad for the health. Well, it was mainly for two reasons. One of them being that it was unfair for animals and second because i wanted to take on a challenge that did not involve education or knowledge on anything, but instead a challenge that required personal strength, motivation, and commitment.

My best friend told me he did not find the point in me being vegetarian for one year, if i was going to stop. My response was this:

That the point was that i proved to others, but most importantly, to myself that if i set my mind to a goal, that i could accomplish it. All i needed was myself. I set my mind to that goal: One Year. I had the strength to give up meat, which is good. I had the commitment to get to that goal, i had the determination, i had the honesty to not cheat--because i knew i could do it. I had the high self-esteem that most people don't have when it comes to giving up something. This is an accomplishment to me. It means a lot to me because is something i never imagined doing it, but like they say: there is always a first time to everything.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mind asked me: "Do you remember how meat tastes like?"
I laughed, and responded yes. When my mother would cook it, i would grab the plate or get close to the pan and smell the meat. Yes i know funny, but in just the scent i was able to taste it. It may sound dumb too people but it is true!

Meat is something delicious, though it could be bad, it cannot be denied by those who are carnivores. I was once one of them...from the day i began to eat for the first time when i was very young, until last year. Today, on the day when i turn one year of being vegetarian, my challenge ends, and once again i will be one of those carnivores.

Today, March 13, 2010, would be the day i will taste meat for the first time since i last ate it, one year ago. The day has come to bring back the delicious Mexican food my mother cooks that contains meat, the Italian food that contains meat, my favorite tuna sandwiches, my tilapia.

To others the challenge may be seen as pointless,but to me