Earlier this week, the United States Senate voted on two key policies:
- DADT: the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy, - which prohibits openly gay individuals to serve in our armed forces.
- DREAM ACT - which grants undocumented students permanent residency upon completing 2 years of college or service in the armed forces.
undocumented students to seed U.S Citizenship, was denied by Senate leaders.
Now, I understand the reason why this bill is necessary in the country. There are many students out there that deserve the right to fulfill higher education and a career. I personally know a few of those students, and of the those that i have met, they ALL struggle to seek the education they want. In my opinion, this bill must pass because there are many benefits to it. Not only would these students help boost up our economy, it would also boost our work force.
Think about, and i am sure many of you agree with me, allowing these students to obtain citizenship would mean giving them the opportunity to seek a job and help the economy by paying taxes. If the federal government analyzes the bigger picture, they will understand that it is to the economy's benefit.
Once these students are given the opportunity to seek higher education, upon graduating, they will have the chance to obtain a job in their field. Thus, helping increase our workforce. Many of these students, eventually go back to their home country, thus taking an American education abroad. Now, that is good for the home country because they have now gained a well-educated individual that can help the economy there; but on the other hand, America is loosing one of it's kind--individuals who have grown into American education, culture, language, and ideals.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell was another policy that was denied repealing. This bill, which does not allow gay American to serve in the armed forces openly, gives America a negative reputation.
Outside of the U.S, many people believe American's are more open-minded. By not repealing this bill already shows that America still needs improvement, we still have a long way to progress.
I believe that openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the forces, and be openly if they wish to be so. I mean, what's so wrong about that? The Armed Forces are always trying to find a way to deny a minority group access to serving our country. We once denied African-American men the opportunity to represent our country; yet, when they were granted the opportunity they were in front of the battle front (dying first). We then denied womyn the right to serve. Why? Because it was their duty to stay home, their job was to take care of the children. What the heck is that? NOW we are denying LGBT Americans the right to serve openly in our armed forces. America needs to stop denying minority groups access to our services, rights, and our opportunities.
Our country should be the land of opportunity, the land of freedom, the land of democracy. It is our duty to make sure everyone is treated equally, and that we all get the same opportunities as everyone.
I would like to end with a statement Lady Gaga said during her rally for the repealing of DADT: